Nancy Mukubesa

Zweifel Pomy-Chips AG

Bachelor Student in Environmental Health Sciences
Namibia University of Science and Technology

May 01 - July 31, 2021


AT work

Working at Zweifel Pomy-Chips AG (famous chips producing company in Switzerland) for 3 months has been one of the most eye-opening, self-enriching and exciting experiences I have ever had. I was introduced and integrated immediately into a group of extremely kind hearted, supportive and caring colleagues. I was assigned under the Quality Assurance (QA) and Development department. I worked in the laboratory, where I analysed for salt, fat, water, sugar, acrylamide contents in chips, snacks, incoming raw material, half and finished products to make sure the parameters are within the desired range. I also analysed the quality of the frying oil. I assisted in QA and development projects that were aimed to improve the texture of chips and develop new products. My colleagues and my mentor exposed me to everything in the lab, I was fed with all the knowledge I needed to competently conduct the analysis. Working at Zweifel opened my eyes to confidently consider a career in Global health science and epidemiology, which includes nutrition epidemiology. I worked in a healthy environment where I gained new competencies and skills such as:

  • Attention to detail, transparency, hardworking, multitasking, and being responsible.

  • Food safety through quality control using different analytical methods.

  • Microscopy, measuring the area and thickness of cell walls and starch granules.

  • Waste management strategies (waste segregation), health and safety, pest control technologies.

  • Appreciation, “Danke und Bitte”, translated in English as “Thank you, you are welcome”.

In addition, I had the privilege to work in a molecular biological and microbiological laboratory named Biolytx AG with ISO 17025 accreditation, a close stakeholder for Zweifel where samples are sent for external analysis. At this lab I was exposed to microbial analysis of organisms such as salmonella and legionella, DNA extraction and real-time PCR, allergen (soy, lactose, milk, gluten) detection methods (ELISA).


My Swiss Host Family

What could I have done without my kind, caring and supportive Blumenthal host family? The warm hugs and asking to carry my suitcase at the airport to the car, seeing my name on the wall and chocolates in my well organised room made me feel at home and safe. The fact that there are children, made it easier for me to immediately integrate into the family. My host siblings were very kind and funny, taught me German basics. Dinner table was the playground for cultural exchange and sharing how everyone spend their day, so I hardly missed breakfast and dinner.  My favourite sentences in the morning were “Guten Morgen, Wie geht es dir, hast du gut geschlafen? Ja, ich habe gut geschlafen”. English translation “good morning, did you sleep well, yes, I slept well.”  My host parents (Marco and Karin) were always there for me, it was just a matter of asking. They treated me like their own child, from showing and recommending places to visit, doing my laundry, cooking, to advising. When I helped with chores, my host mom would say “no, Nancy you don’t have to work”, then I told her, “please let me finish what I started”. The first two weeks, it rained so much, so I use to go to work with my host dad. The third week, he showed me how to take the train and bus to work.

Surprisingly, I liked most of the food at home, especially the cheese dishes. When they were invited to other families for dinner, they took me along to meet new people. I will always remember my unlimited storyteller host sister (Madeleine), my football coach (Gabriel), life advisor and laughing partner (Manuel, the family’s oldest son). Not forgetting one of my favourite Swiss dishes Fondue, which I ate many times and salad sauce made by my host dad. Overall, I had the best experience in Switzerland, all thanks to my host family. The Blumenthal family, thank you so much for your unique kindness, and I am positive that it will come back to you in unexpected ways.


Highlights and Challenges in Switzerland

My biggest highlight was at the Klein Matterhorn in Zermatt, where I saw and touched the snow for the first time. Doing lab tests alone and getting desired results were the most beautiful moments, as this boosted my confidence and skills. Not forgetting exploring the beautiful Switzerland during weekends with other students. The only challenge I had, was during the first days when I had many documents to translate.


My Future Plans

I am looking forward to graduate next year, while also searching for employment, whereby I would like work for 10 months or more. Then I will apply for a scholarship to study a master’s degree in Global Health Science and Epidemiology in the UK.

Personal Message

Faith, hard work, perseverance and persistent prayer is the key to live our dreams. If you can dream it, claim it through hard work and using the available resources to the maximum capacity. I am grateful to B360 Education Partnerships team for recognising my hard work and entrusting me with this life-changing opportunity. May God bless you in all capacities to keep on changing the lives of Southern African young people.