Solomon Mwandu

Credit Suisse,
Real Estate

Master Student in Economics
University of Zambia

February 01 - April 30, 2023


at work

Prior to my arrival in Switzerland, I was worried about how I would fit into the team and be of value as this was my first professional job and as if that wasn’t enough, I was under a department that isn’t so common in Zambia. However, when I was in contact with my mentors  Olafur Margeirsson  and Michèle Bolliger, I had a feeling there was a lot to learn and I was excited about the opportunity. The first day of work is exciting since it sets the tone for the internship and went above and beyond my expectations. In addition to warm smiles and kind words, I received a card signed by the entire team, chocolates, a bag of gifts, and an IT starter package when I arrived. Everyone that came by my desk was incredibly friendly and interested in learning more about myself and Zambia. As the weeks passed, I met a lot of people from my department and other departments for coffee and lunch. I am highly grateful to my mentors for all what they invested in me. I am grateful for their constructive criticism in times when I was underperforming and I can attest that this internship has set a firm foundation for my future career prospects. I am glad I took this internship without any prior professional experience as it has set the bar very high in terms of my work culture and ethic.


My Swiss host family

The Kuppers, Karl and Irene, were gracious enough to welcome me. I was unsure of our chances of connecting when I initially learned about my host family. However, after the first three days with them, I started to question who the genius is who pairs interns with their host families; this person deserves a medal because I could never wish to be with any other family. They not only reminded me of my family back in Zambia, but they also redefined the meaning of the word “Family” by how much they cared, provided, sacrificed and supported a total stranger. I was literally treated and felt like I was the last born of their family (well, second last since I had a host nephew). My host sister (Anita) and host brother (Andreas) and their spouses were also awesome people and a delight to have around. It is actually hard to think that our time together is coming to an end. The greatest take-away I have learnt from the family is the need to pay attention to details and needs of others. I sometimes felt like they knew me even more than I knew myself because of how attentive they are.

My highlights and challenges

This is a tough section because every day in Switzerland was a highlight. I have been to many places with my host family, mentors, and the other interns and each of those moments was special as they each had a lot of lessons to pick out from. When it comes to food, I really enjoyed the diversity and was amazed at how a meal without meat could taste so amazing! The only thing I was always worried about was that I would finish all the tea and sugar in the house. Switzerland is a place where I feel one cannot really experience many challenges because everything is well organized. All you have to do is pay attention and ask. Other than taking a tram going the opposite direction, the only challenge I faced was balancing my work life and family life in the beginning of the internship but with the support from my mentors and host family, all was great.


My future plans

The B360 program for me wasn’t only about the internship (work life) but also family life (friends inclusive). Before I came to Switzerland, I was not sure what my future career path was but after spending time with my line manager Olaf in Global Real Estate Research, I want to enhance my research skills and continue in the field of research. When it comes to the social side, I will implement some of the lessons I have learnt from my host family and one of them is spending more time with family and friends. Lastly, my future plans are to continue to support the vision of B360 in whatever way that I can to guarantee the continuity of the program.

Personal message

Words are not enough to express my gratitude to all the B360 stakeholders for their support and the impact of this program on my life and Africa. To the future interns, don’t be intimidated by your lack of professional experience, this program is meant for you. If you are reading this and haven’t yet applied, go and do it NOW!