Jeffrey Matthews & Marc Buser

Head of Communications, Point of Care Roche Diagnostics
Project Leader Group M&A, Roche

Department of Health Sciences
Namibia University of Science and Technology

February 16 - March 04, 2023


collaboration with students

It was such a privilege to lead the Project Management and Career Starter Week course with NUST’s fourth year Environmental Health Sciences students. While there were many highlights during our time in Namibia, we found the greatest joy connecting with the students and observing their growth - as individuals and a collective - in just two short weeks. It was amazing to see how quickly they grasped new concepts and applied them in creative ways.

impact and win-win

Exchanges work well when everyone is open to learning from one another. Reflecting on our time at NUST, we feel gratitude for the students’ engagement, eagerness to learn, openness to challenge and share, and willingness to show vulnerability at the edges of their comfort zones. We are indebted to them for simply allowing us to do the same.

personal message

Many thanks to B360, NUST staff and the students themselves for making this special experience possible! It is not often that busy professionals have the opportunity to apply their passion and expertise outside of their 'day jobs' in such a meaningful way.

We will forever cherish our time with the EHS class